Friday Five: Kingfisher Week (apparently)

Greetings, Another week another round-up. This is more of a highlights tour, so let’s get down to business: AUDIO: As predicted, I finished off A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan. Loved it. It has so many things I enjoy: Great voice; Engaging POV; Dragons! The Gentleperson Explorer premise that I enjoy. It alsoContinue reading “Friday Five: Kingfisher Week (apparently)”

Saturday Six: Easter Edition

Welcome, welcome, to another weekly round-up! This week sees the return of the legal picnic in the UK, as well as millions of people being inundated with excessive amounts of chocolate. I hope to limit my intake of the latter and to maximise the former. The keen eyed observers amongst you will notice that thisContinue reading “Saturday Six: Easter Edition”

Friday Five: Farewell to Bingo

Welcome to another weekly round-up. Work has been a bit hectic, but I still have some stuff to update on. AUDIO: This week I finished off listening to T. Kingfisher’s The Twisted Ones. This book involves a litany that gets stuck in the character’s head…and is now stuck in my head. I twisted myself around,Continue reading “Friday Five: Farewell to Bingo”

Friday Five: The Road to El Dorado 15yo

Welcome to another weekly round-up. AUDIO: Through the week, I’ve made good progress on The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher. I am happy to say my initial reservations have faded away in their entirety and I’m really enjoying it. I don’t know if I’ve adapted to the conversational tone, or if the framing device (looselyContinue reading “Friday Five: The Road to El Dorado 15yo”

Friday Five: Farewell WandaVision

Welcome to another weekly round-up. This has been a hell of a week work-wise, but it’s over now and I somehow managed to get through a satisfactory amount of reading. In the wise words of Michael Bolton, let’s get to it: TV: I’ve now seen the final episode of WandaVision and I’m a bit conflicted.Continue reading “Friday Five: Farewell WandaVision”

Friday Five: Art Edition

Hello people, Welcome to another weekly round-up of me doing slightly book-related activities. Except this time, I’ve decided to make sure I include some cool art that I’ve come across. (I swear I’ll post a real review again one day…). Enough fibbing, here’s this week’s five things: AUDIO: This hasn’t been a good week forContinue reading “Friday Five: Art Edition”

FRIDAY FIVE: Happy Birthday Tiny Rebel

Hello people, Welcome to another weekly round-up. AUDIO: After finishing The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho, I polled some book nerds on which audiobook on my TBR I should read next. The winner (by a hair) was Call of the Bone Ships by RJ Barker. I absolutely loved theContinue reading “FRIDAY FIVE: Happy Birthday Tiny Rebel”


It’s that time of the week again…and this time it’s not two days late. AUDIO: This week I finished listening to Mexican Gothic (NB: it is not spelled Gotchi, no matter how many times I write it that way) by Silvia Moreno-Garcia . I loved it, an easy five-star read for me. As I mentionedContinue reading “FRIDAY FIVE:”

Friday Five: Tepid Media and some Shorts

A return to work this week saw a reduction in pleasant distractions. Nonetheless, I managed to fill today’s five things: FILM: A gentleman of my acquaintance has decided to do themed months for all his media. It was inspired by Norsevember and has progressed to Marvelous March (yes, I know it’s February). Thus far, theContinue reading “Friday Five: Tepid Media and some Shorts”

Friday Five: Return of the Film

After a brief hiatus, we’re back. A week off of work saw a marked increase in my spare time. As a result, I finally have some Film to talk about. Here’s my top five from this week: Film: I watched Princess Mononoke for the first time. This is only my second Studio Ghibli film, theContinue reading “Friday Five: Return of the Film”

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